Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Penguin Passion, or "They're just birds"

My friend M sent me a link to an article in the New York Times Science section today. In the subject line, she had written "mwah-hah-hah". Indeed. Below are some excerpts from the NYTimes story.

March of the Conservatives: Penguin Film as Political Fodder
September 13, 2005

The movie is "March of the Penguins," and of all the reactions it has evoked, perhaps the most surprising is its appeal to conservatives. ...Conservative groups have turned its stirring depiction of the mating ordeals of emperor penguins into an unexpected battle anthem in the culture wars.

....Religious conservatives have seized on the movie as a parable of steadfast faith. In Sidney, Ohio, Ben Hunt, a minister at the 153 House Churches Network, has coordinated trips to the local theater to see the film.

Mr. Hunt has provided a form on the Web site lionsofgod.com that can be downloaded and taken to the film. "Please use the notebook, flashlight and pen provided," it says, "to write down what God speaks to you as He speaks it to you."

I can't tell you how much I love this glorification of the penguin. I dig the prophecy through penguin movie. What should we call that? Aptenodytomancy?

I also dig the silliness of the conservative pundits. Here are some of their comments, from the New York Times piece (referenced above).

"March of the Penguins....passionately affirms traditional norms like monogamy, sacrifice and child rearing!"
says critic Michael Medved

Rich Lowry of the National Review calls March of the Penguins
"An amazing movie. Penguins are the really ideal example of monogamy."

Yeah boys, keep digging that hole. You know why? Because, to paraphrase Margaret Cho impersonating her mother..."Penguin, they like the picnic!"
That's right - gay penguins!

There's nothing saying that gay and monogamous are mutually exclusive terms. But try finding a self labeled conservative out there who actually defines "monogamy" as being applicable to same sex relationships. If you do find one, let me know.

As a matter of fact, it turns out there's a lot of homosexual behavior in the non-human animal world. So much for the "it's not natural" line. You can read all about it in Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity by Bruce Bagemihl or Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation by Olivia Judson.

This info isn't just in biology books though. The conservatives missed some rather mainstream accounts of homosexual relations between animals, specifically, between penguins.

Central Park Zoo's gay penguins ignite debate
Dinitia Smith, New York Times
February 7, 2004
(republished in the San Francisco Chronicle)

New York -- Roy and Silo, two chinstrap penguins at the Central Park Zoo in Manhattan, are completely devoted to each other. For nearly six years now, they have been inseparable. They exhibit what in penguin parlance is called "ecstatic behavior": That is, they entwine their necks, they vocalize to each other, they have sex. Silo and Roy are, to anthropomorphize a bit, gay penguins.

How could the conservative publicists have missed the news reports of this biological phenomenon? Will someone point it out to them? Will they care or will homosexuality in nature and in their now beloved penguins be dubbed a left wing liberal conspiracy? I take this oversight as evidence that these folks truly are outside the mainstream, relying mostly on shows like the 700 club and other christian co approved media for their news. Although I am quite sure my google search for gay penguins turned up at least one hit for Fox News.

So what would explain this glaring oversight in choosing the gay friendly penguin as the mascot of the hyper christian values movement? It could be that guy in Ohio isn't far off. It's not too far a stretch to see this as an amusing slap for the immense hubris that characterizes our modern theocratic ministries and individuals.

The moral of the story? There are so many to choose from. The one I like best is be careful when you pick your parables. I'm sure it is embarassing when the lesson unintentionally becomes your own.

1 comment:

cjblue said...

*clutching my sides* Bwaaahahahaaa! I love it, and more importantly, I love how you have put it all together. I am now sitting on the fence about the whole quit school to write book thing. I still don't think you should quit school, but the world needs more Laura!

etjxr: penguin droppings on antarctic runways.