Monday, September 26, 2005

Dream dream dream

I was just reading Kate's blog and it reminded of a dream I had a while ago.

Not long after september 11th 2001, I had a dream that I was trying to do laundry and George Bush was there in my laundry room. All the washers were going and I was trying to put in the detergent, which Bush was holding onto. He wasn't really doing anything with it. I think he had just casually picked it up and now that he was going on and on about shit like "global port" or "port economy" (whatever the fuck that meant) and reconstruction, he seemed to have forgotten it was in his hand. I kept trying to grab for it while he talked, at one point even saying "Uh can I please have my fucking detergent? I'm trying to do my laundry!" He said "well now jess wait a minute. I don think yer hearin what I'm trynna say..." and launched into more grammatically challenged political rhetoric.

I was outraged. Here he was, the man whose family's and party's foreign deals and policies not only painted big bull's eye targets on all americans but gave weapons and training to the people who were looking for was my personally least favorite president invading my laundry room, using my need to perform my routine daily tasks and my detergent as hostages to his nonsensical hyperpatriotic bullshit.

I remember I woke up so unbelievably pissed off.

Last night, I had a nightmare. I don't remember much except that it involved squirrels.

1 comment:

Kate said...

LOL. How nightmarish can squirrels be? LOL.

George Bush, now he's scary!

I would be pissed if he were in my dreams too! Isn't it funny how you can wake up pissed from a dream? Sometimes I dream that Dave and I are fighting, he's cheated on me, or whatever, and when I wake up, I'm still pissed at him. I tell him so too. He's used to it. :-)

I also wake up laughing from my dream sometimes, and on a few occasions I've woken up crying. Not in a long time though.

Most of my dreams are mundane, although often I seem to be in someone else's life. I live in that person's town, hang out with their friends, go to their job, it's all very ordinary and routine. Weird, eh?

Happy Birthday, BTW. :-)