Friday, September 23, 2005

good news, bad news, good news, etc.

My good news is that my brother T called to say he'd be down Sunday. The bad news is that I'm sick and his t-cell count is low. We're going to see how it goes. I'm not that sick and his count isn't that low.

I'm off to school. I hope I'm not heading in for nothing. I got up and going so late today I'm worried I will have missed everyone I need to see. And I rememered after committing to being in today that Friday is the day I want to avoid campus since it is the only day of the week that my ex is likely to be in. I'd rather not deal with that brand of ambivalence today.

Oh one other piece of good news. I had only two cigarettes yesterday. I'm not saying this is quit time, but since I would like to make a serious attempt to quit soon, I think it is a good sign I can make it through a day with so little nicotene.


cjblue said...

Two your birthday...(can you tell I'm singing here?)...and I'm gonna be there tomorrrowww.

But I guess T won't, which is too bad, since I'll probably have to leave before he get in on Sunday. Bummer. I'm totally looking forward to seeing you though and Bug fat congratulations on the cigarette thing! I'm gonna email you re sangria & stuff.

sukzmi: a method for learning to play the b-flat floogelhorn.

WriterChick said...

Main Entry: BIRTHDAY
Pronunciation: 'b&rth-'dA
Function: noun
1 a : the day of a person's birth b : a day of origin
NOT to be confused with
Function: noun
unclothed skin : NAKEDNESS

Putting the two together...makes a GREAT party. Have a good one (from one fellow Libra to another not-so-Libra (so you say; I'll have to believe).

PFG said...

I like "day of origin". I think I'll consider my origins, biological and otherwise, this week. Thanks!

idyxo - Greek mythology - a nymph who turned weak willed men into newts (they go' bettah)