Thursday, July 28, 2005

Tour de Pants

My sister is down again today. She is collecting her cat. We were talking when she first got down. The topic of Larry Summers came up, leading into a discussion of school mascots and how silly it is to have any kind of person as a mascot. Harvard, Larry's stomping grounds, apparently has a pilgrim. He even has a name. "John Harvard". I guess he did more than found a chain of shitty pubs. A's university has the "minute men".

She says "Some guy in fucking woolen underwear....Hey, speaking of which. What do you think about those bicyclists in the tour de france?"
I say "what about them?" and she says "Do you think they just shit their pants?"
I say "Or do they stop and take a dump?"
"Right. Or do they shit themselves?"
We may never know.

Speaking of shitting yourself, if you're interested in reading a transcript of the notorious Summers' remarks, go here.

but for what end?

1 comment:

cjblue said...

I'd bet they take some kind of colon-cleansing thing before they take off so they can spend the next however many hours going strong and not have to stop. Isn't there some kind of "Ask Lance" website? There should be, I have a few questions I'd like to ask him myself.