Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I am so DIZZY!!!! At first, I thought I hadn't woken up correctly. My wake up call from the maintenance guy (fixing toilet tomorrow) was abrupt and early for a person who routinely is most awake between 9 pm and 2 am. Left some of my brain asleep. So I snoozed in bed for another few minutes. Tried it again. This time I thought "maybe I just need to get up". That really hasn't worked out so well for me.

I'm waiting for my sister to come over so I can shower. I figure it's the responsible thing to do since if I fall over when I'm here by myself, it would suck. The collapsing shelves with 50 lbs of perception papers flying over my head last week was an unpleasant but firm reminder of how stupid it is to do dangerous things that you're really just not physically fit enough to do. I am not accustomed to a lower level of ability, and I do sometimes push things too far. But today, well, apparently showering and going up and down stairs will be big fucking events.

I'm trying not to be too pissed off about this. Being pissed doesn't help me and it only makes my head hurt. Better to think better? I'm going to make some ginger tea and go look at the "Dress the supreme court justices" section of the America book.

Note: While I've personally found ginger to serve me well for things like menstrual cramps and nausea (never tried it for dizziness but I'm about to find out), I have read that Ginger may interfer with blood clotting.
Further, relative to this and all posts relating to health on my blog, understand that I'm not a health care professional. Just someone who is sharing her personal experiences with illness, treatments, and recovery charge of her health. Therefore, none of what I write here should be interpretted as a subsitute for professional medical advice.

1 comment:

cjblue said...

I love your disclaimer, L! Sorry you're spinny - I hate days like that. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a bit spinny myself now. The power of suggestion, I suppose. Feel good, say hi to Sistah, I'm glad you're taking the safe road and - what, no Tetley Spinny Tea?