Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Oh my god it's a....


No seriously, it is. It's a slow motion movie of vocal fold vibration brought to you by the speech nerd people at UCLA.

I'm working.
This counts as work.
For real. It's class prep. I probably won't show the UCLA vocal fold animation in class though. I have a feeling the undergrads might find it disturbing. You know, because they might be less mature than me.

For those of you who have not yet left the blog, your reward is a set of online sound toys (I liked this one best. It's very soothing if you do it right.). Don't worry. They are not fleshy and wet looking. They're just good clean (possibly ear splitting) fun.


WinterWheat said...

Is larynx slang for VULVA?

There, I said it, because you wouldn't.

You HAVE to show that to your undergrads. They'll crack up at first, tell their friends later, and love you for it ultimately. Remember, they're just big adolescents, and adolescents love all things gross and sexual. Anything that merges the two is fab.

PFG said...

Thank you!!!!

Now, for the big money, what is the adjective form of vulva? Vulvic? Vulval? Vulvalic?
No fair looking it up.

My biggest reservation about using this gif is that I BLUSH. A lot. I'm a blusher. I think to pull something like that off, you'd have to not be a blusher.

Anonymous said...

Do I have to worry about being hit by a ping-pong ball?


WinterWheat said...

Isn't it yonic? As in, the female equivalent of phallic?

PFG said...

This kicked off a long and detailed response, which got so long and detailed that I decided to make a post out of it.