Thursday, July 27, 2006


Not even worth the "a". I'm just in a blh mood. My big events for the day included getting my mail and cooking dinner.

For some reason, since the hip thing started, I have found myself humming a lot, usually something repetitive from classical music or (glug) christmas carols. Why is it when that happens, it's never a good song? Or is that just me? So here I am, on the edge of a total shit mood, humming. I should have little animated animals and stuff following me around, like the birds and shit that follow Disney's Snow White...except mine would have to be buzzards, storm clouds, and maybe a pack of angry squirrels flitting about as I move through my day (thanks to A___ for the angry squirrels suggestion).

Next week brings more doctor's appointments and probably at least one big fight because that is the mood I'm in. I think I should take it out on one of the doctors since they have luxuries most other people in my life don't. Therefore they can afford a little venom and I've got plenty to spare right now.

You know what I hate most about this mood? That there is usually some asshole who wants to tell you that "you need help" because of your anger "issues". Given the fucked up state of my health and the limits it's putting on my life at the moment, I think anger is a fully predictable and reasonable response. Yeah, it's not super great in the overall scheme of things, but hey...if you can't get cranky over having a big day of checking the mail and making some food then what can you get cranky about?

Well that's it. I just wanted to share this with, um, my blog. And what does that mean, I mean communicatively speaking? Dunno, something like that urge to sharpie up a wall or something. At best, it's me yodeling my bullshit to a scant collection of mostly unknown or less known people who can judge if they are so inclined from a safer distance. I guess that's what suits me about it. It's like a social inoculation or something.

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