Around Christmas 1995 a friend came to visit me in my newly married, presumably happy, life in Michigan. We went to a museum where we saw an exhibit of a Japanese tea room. Outside the display was an attempt to describe this exhibit. It started with something like: “Within the tea room, one feels loneliness which penetrates into the marrow of one’s bones...” and ended with the caution “Please do not enter the tea room”. I laughed out loud. If you don’t get it, you probably should leave.
These images were created by me and my fella, A___ without use of anyone else's images. You are welcome and even encouraged to copy them, download them, post them on your blog or website, etc.
I would like a link back if you do though and please let me know if you use them.
Posted by
10:32 PM
Wow. I'd print one out for my Mom, except I don't want to put a return address on it. I'm actually really looking forward to moving so she won't know where I live anymore. It freaks me out that if she managed to sneak out of the nursing home she's close enough to take a taxi to my house. I need some distance. Actual distance, like in miles, not the symbolic kind.
Yikes! Thank god there are no taxis in Connecticut. She'd have to hitchhike. Oh I'm a big fan of real distance. I once had a psychologist actually suggest that I get as physically far away from my mother as possible. I like shrinks like that. Very practical. Put the delivery address as the return address.
Awesome. I would honestly send these (in my fantasies).
This really is an untapped market.
I would send either card in a heartbeat. At 52 I realize that my mother works really hard to evoke those emotions. She would be so a flutter she would have to kill the pain with another Vicodin and whiskey chaser.
And they wonder why....
Glad you liked them.
Speaking of untapped markets, I wonder if we'll ever see mother's day booze. I mean, we have booze specifically marketed for most other holidays. Why not mother's day too?
"Borderline Personality Disorder" mothers inspire and invite these cards. You should market these to the several "adult children of Borderline Personality Disorder mothers" support websites. Reading anything about BPD mothers will inspire more "custom" cards. If you charge for downloads, you can make a fortune.
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