Sunday, May 07, 2006


Stands for MUseum of Menstruation
Yes, there is such a thing and you can access it in the comfort of your own home, office, lab, or other computer housing area. Can you friggin' believe it?

I am in awe. I am astounded. Mostly, I'm shocked that this "museum" was created by a man, Harry Finely. I'm really not sure what to make of that. Does that sound narrow minded? It's not prejudice which drives this, it's utter empiricism. In my personal and impersonal experience, many men tend to have an aversion to things menstrual. E.g., a boyfriend (ex) of mine once suggested that I talked about my period and reproductive organs far too much. What he said was something like "Holy shit is your ovary going to fall out and roll down the hill?" in response to a round of endometriosis induced health problems I was having (and my talking about them as we walked up the hill). He was being funny, but it was one of those funny to hide the freaking out moments.

So to find that a man who has collected relics and artifacts and paraphernalia as a "repository for information about, and "showcase" for, menstruation" takes me a bit off guard. He is hoping to open a real physical museum. For now, it's on a website. Not the easiest to navigate, btw, but well worth it.

Because, among other things, he has the booklets!

Ah, fond memories. The booklet my sister and I got weren't high class enough for actual photographs like these. They were illustrated with 1950s style drawings of various big fluffy hair headed black silhouetted bodied women - very similar in style to the old Parker Brother's Monopoly graphics. One picture from our "Period book" that I remember vividly was of blond woman powdering her nose with a compact. The caption said "Keep fine and dainty!" My siblings and I had been discussing what that meant when my sister informed us that it meant to wash yourself so you don't get stinky. "So why is there a picture of a girl powdering her face?" my brother asked. My sister replied with what has become one of her famous lines: "Because they can't show her powdering her twat!"

You just had to love those books. We had a movie as well. I don't remember many details, only that the illustrations (cartoons) were lacking many details and were colored as if by Hanna Barbera. Parents were invited but only Mrs. Michelakis attended. We all felt really bad for her daughter.

If you're a woman and you're still looking for that perfect mother's day gift and/or card, why not send her a link to MUM and tell her thank you for not raising me like this...
...Unless of course she did, in which case check back later for a new line of mother's day cards. (which I will be working on instead of - um, I mean in addition to - all that work I have to do for the post end of the semester end of the semester deadline)

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