Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Interview and other

My interview went well. I have no idea if I will get the job but I am sincerely glad I put myself out there and took a real step in the process of considering any kind of income outside academia.

Other good news is that I got my loan check today. That's sort of a mixed blessing since it means more debt, but it's good because without it I would be very very broke this summer. Even if I get this job, without loan money I would be living on something like $2200 this summer. After rent, this would leave me with a whopping $450 for groceries, utilities, and gas money from June to August. Hence the loan is a good thing right now.

On the not so good side, I have a fever and I am exhausted. I've got a week and a half to shake this or I go to surgery ill. Well, ill-er. My PhD program doesn't allow for rescheduling the surgery, and I mean that only slightly tongue in cheek. If this is something contagious, I'm planning on dragging my biohazardous, cranky self in at least one day to share the love with my faculty. Does it count as germ warfare if someone actually asks for it?

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