Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Going to see Cho!

On the way back from my pre-op appointment yesterday, I noticed one of those big "this week at the local casino cabaret!" billboards on a building in Hartford. Usually they're advertising shit like Hall and/or Oats, 30+ music and acts which, even when slightly interesting to me, are not appealing enough to make me eager to drive all the way down to a casino. I have an allergy to casinos. Thus, having more or less automatically registered this billboard as a potential casino performance ad, I sort of let it go in one eye and out the other. About 10 seconds after I passed out of viewing distance of it, I realized "I think that was a picture of Maraget Cho" Then I forgot about it. I had a lot on my mind.

On a whim today I looked up her show schedule. Sure enough, she's here. Thursday in fact. I'm so going.

1 comment:

WinterWheat said...

Oh, fun fun fun! I saw her a few years ago. She was really good, but not as good as I'd expected based on some videos I'd seen. She was in one of her "skinny" phases, and I think she loses a little edginess then. But the audience questions -- they were almost as funny as she was! At first I thought they were plants, but then I realized that her fans just know how to ask questions that lead to hilarious exchanges. Anyway, I envy you -- I'd love to see her again!