Saturday, September 23, 2006

My debatable status as a libra

The year I was born, it was a late Libra year. The sun was not even 24 hours into Libra when I came on the scene. So am I a Virgo or a Libra? Not to sound like "a flippin' astro-star-gazin' tripped princess-pot-head" (to quote Daniela, who has a tendency to put it exactly right) but here I go (sounding like a FASGTPPH, complete with chart and mugs!)

As a kid, I'd get those astrology know, mugs and shit that have the "you're a libra!" announcement written in scrolly gold letters over a list of traits (always good of course) that erode quickly even in the days before dishwashers. It was the 70s, remember?

And I'd read them looking for some sense of self definition, you know, like a kid does. Or is that just me? Anyhow, I was chronically disappointed, left thinking I wasn't a very good Libra. Diplomatic? Ah, no. Charming? Definitely not. Unreasonably attractive? No. Possibly still, but definitely then, I was one of those kind of odd looking people who had too long a face, pale skin, sunken eyes with dark circles under them, no or strange at best fashion sense, and a tendency to openly visually inspect people in a way that was disconcerting and uncomfortable. I thought of myself as a sullen peevish person prone to fits of unreasonable outbursts of anger. Combine that with my pallid unsmiley and slightly creepy countenance and you get something that is far from the coffee mug's insistence that I be a curvacious, cuddly, and cute being who need only smile and twirl her fashionably coiffed locks to have people falling all over themselves to please her.

Rather than question the authority of dimestore coffee mugs and key chains, instead I developed this theory that I was a Libra imposter.

When I got older, I actually looked things an emphemeris and shit. Turns out I am barely a Libra sunsign-wise. To further muddy the water, it turns out that by one account, I am a Libra with Libra rising. Given the excessive cuspiness of my time and day of birth, I have tended to assume (when such assumptions are motivated) that I am either a Virgo with Libra rising or a Virgo flavored Libra with Scorpio rising (my rising sign is also on an edge, given the time of day I was born).

Of course, there is the whole astrology is a load of shit theory too. I realize that I am a skeptic, really I am. But I am also a pragmatist and I find any one way of categorizing and describing personality about as useful and "true" as another. So whether it's a coffee mug, a key chain, any of the various "type" surveys, or the DSM whatever, there will always be stuff like illusory cause kicking around the edges. Therefore, to me, they all have about as much functionality and applicability as the proverbial (and enormous) grain of salt allows. Which isn't to say none, but it certainly isn't something I'd set my watch by (how d'you like that mix of metaphors? Perhaps we should add lack of rhetorical skill to the "not a Libra" list).

And without further ado, here are a few of my Virgo traits that are completely not in accordance with the coffee mug prescriptive astrological characteristics of a Libra:
- I compulsively clean, we're talking mops and dust rags and shit. The night before my wedding, my friends had to stage an intervention to get me to stop cleaning the bathroom (which I had innocently started doing while washing up for bed).
- I can't abide squishily made plans. I don't need an iron clad itinerary but I need structure.
- I think the phrase "it's all good" when used to explain someone's flakiness and carelessness with my time is damned near criminal and on a bad day it makes me want to smack (the shit out of) the person who uttered it.
- I have a tendency to think that if I do something well, it should be simple enough for everyone to just do it that way....because that way is so obviously the best way of doing it for the situation.
- A quick wit is incredibly attractive to me. Much more so than a dazzling intellect that cannot be articulated or a moron wrapped in a pretty package. In high school, when the boy I had lusted after from afar for three years finally asked me out, he was just so fucking stupid I couldn't bring myself to actually fuck him. His discourse on the matter turned me off so thoroughly that I couldn't even make out with him afterwards and I ended up calling it an early night. That evening should have been, by all accounts, my total dream date. Valentine's day, we went to a dance club on an all ages night, I looked good (in a 1980s kind of way), I got to be seen in public by lots of people with this cute guy, and he had even asked me (in advance) to the junior prom. But he was such a fucking IDIOT that I lost it. (btw, a dollar to whoever can come up with a good term for this...something like whiskey dick but, well, as it applies to losing all semblance of sexual arousal based on the realization that the person with whom you are tangled in a steamy teenaged lust level embrace is a fool of the most stunning and unappealing proportions).


Anonymous said...

Hey, great chart where'd you get that? You have no squares! You could have some of mine. I have 6, maybe that's why I had no qualms about screwing a guy who thought "Howard the Duck" was a fantastic movie. So are you looking for female analog for "whiskey dick"? Or is does the fact that the sudden loss of lust resulted from exstream disappointment/disgust with a person's intellect/persona/ideologies take precedence over gender?
Let me get my thesaurus here, disappointed... chagrined? chagrined chou-chou? I never refered to cunt as cabbage before but it might work. Fur-burger frustration? A horrified hoo-ha?
Well Happy Birthday! AM
P.S. You were a cute looking kid when you weren't looking pissed

PFG said...

The chart is from You should go check it out, good site.
And I assume this is my sister? Just a guess.
Yes, the sudden loss of lust results from extreme disappointment/disgust etc. and it does take precedent over anatomy, although I think that we can come up with something. I mean, women get "hard ons" too, so it shouldn't be too hard (sorry, pun). cabbage is relevant, how? Good lord you're insane. Insaner than me. Fur-stration is good, and horrified hoo-ha is excellent.

Anonymous said...

I find Libra (and Virgo and Aquarius) to be the most poorly defined astrological signs. I never agree with the descriptions of those signs. The Libra people (a sister, three grade school friends who I still keep in touch with, my roomate in college, my boss) I know are shrewd, cunning, competitive and unsure of themselves in an evil way. Librans hide behind a genial persona but set up drama behind the scenes. There are always relationship infidelity issues and I don't know one Libran who is a "good" mother- they have gorgeous kids who they spoil and take secret pleasure in their misbehaviour -like "oh, he's such a ruffian, he beats up all the other little kids at school. he's such a little man!" or totally go into denial "How is it that it's always my child they blame for stuff, like he's the only kid in the school. Everything is my son! I'm going to take him out of that shitty school!". On top of that, there is a general superficiality to Librans; You never get to know them until its too late. This is a sign more devious than Scorpio because Librans secretly compete with EVERYONE. Librans judge everyone and want to best everyone, even people who have nothing to do with them. And my, are they gossips! Vicious gossips who don't care what happens to the other person they are totally slaying with words. In the Libran mind, it's good for them if the world hates them. They also don't care about objective fairness; Librans are primarily concerned with coming out at the top of every decision. When they lose, then it's time to discredit the ruling body.
Which is not to say they are unpopular. Librans are always good for a laugh, a juicy story and good gossip. Married and single, they are always willing to go crusie the bars with you...and to double date.

PFG said...

I think though that you must be right about Libras because, as a matter of fact, I AM judging you right now.