Sunday, September 17, 2006


I went out, got coffee - well, not coffee. I got hot tasty beverage that was not coffee because coffee after 3:00 PM makes me a little bit nutty in the not at all pleasant sense. A___ and I went for a walk which was more a sit on a bench watching horses trot around, a stray cat defiling the tires of the few cars parked in the stable parking lot, and undergraduate girls who were practicing what looked like cheers or gymnastic routines in the middle of the not at all busy street.

Oh Connecticut, you are so bucolic (cheerleaders and all).

It was nice to get out, even if it was only for a very short non-walk and chai. Then it was time to head back home, back to the dark apartment and the cat wanting dinner. As I was driving, the sun was setting in fit of drama. It was down below the trees that line the road from campus to my apartment, casting long shadows in fast fading pink light. I tuned the radio looking for something appropriate for the the air and the light, pausing to listen if I didn't immediately hear something which would break the mood. As I was coming up on a clearing in the trees just off the road, I got to one station that was quiet. I turned it up, still watching the road and admiring the sunset. The clearing opened up and I saw a field covered in mist. "That's sort of pretty" I thought. In the center of the mist covered field, I noticed a dark figure. This warranted a second look which revealed several figures shrouded in pink mist. What could they be? A refrigerator and stove on cinderblocks? A stack of mattresses? An antique tractor with a mutant shirtless landlord? No, wrong proportions and they were moving.

Slowly my brain put together that it was three little deer all grazing and rural like. At that instant (the entire scene had only taken about 3 seconds), the music swelled and the moment came together. The deer, the mist, the sunset, and now BLASTING out of my shitty car radio with the broken back speaker was Morning Mood by Grieg.

I shit you not.


WinterWheat said...

Which one is that? The link only takes you to the site's main page. I'm thinking of the tune and wondering whether I've got the right one...

PFG said...

Hey K,
Aw, it's one of those sites. Ok it's Peer Gynt Suite No 1 Opus 46 (it is "peer"? no "i"?) You can go here:

D said...

Haaa. And what does it all meaaaaaaaaan?