Sunday, October 16, 2005

20 random facts about me

Since I was called names (well one at least) for not posting my 20 random facts, I'm digging this out of "drafts" and posting it. I still don't have 5 bloggers to tag but, whatever...

I've been tagged by Ruth at cjblue. Below are 20 (largely) random facts about me. Now I just have to think of 5 other bloggers to tag....Hm.

1. I am very bad about returning things I’ve borrowed from people.

2. I sometimes think I should have gone to law school instead of grad school.

3. I loved dairy products so much as a child that I once ate an entire stick of butter.

4. I was diagnosed as being lactose intolerant at 14.

5. I become very attached to the places where I live but the city I grew up in always feels like home.

6. I do not plan to ever have children.

7. I was married to a doctor for 5 years.

8. I hate doctors.

9. The worst and best job I ever had was working at a florist in a mall at Christmas time.

10. I was a radio DJ at my campus station last year.

11. When I am out at dinner, I can’t help listening to other people’s conversations - even when I’d rather not.

12. I once had sex in a storage closet.

13. I get cold easily but I hate the humid heat of New England summers.

14. When I was 31, I caught Lyme Disease and it wouldn’t go away.

15. I spend most of my time at conference and colloquia talks drawing amusing (to me) cartoons of the people I dislike in the room.

16. Sometimes I can’t stop laughing at what I’ve drawn, even if I hide the picture so I can’t see it.

17. When I was a kid, I used to take articles of my parents clothes, like socks and shirts, and turn them into stuffed animals that I would then give to my parents as presents.

18. I was a National Latin Scholar in high school.

19. My mother was adopted.

20. I used to think I wanted to be an anthropologist. Because I was sure I would travel to exotic places, in order to “train” for the strange and unfamiliar diets I might need to adopt in the field, I would sometimes force myself to eat things I didn’t want to eat…like broccoli.

1 comment:

cjblue said...

Great list! Don't sweat the 5 bloggers. If you don't have them, you don't have them. Sorry for calling you names though. I freaking love your #20. #15/16 makes me laugh. #11 - me too! #2, I never thought about that - at all - but somehow it makes sense.

Thanks for playing. MWAH!