Thursday, July 31, 2008

perceptions of feminism

More from "I Was A Teenage Feminist", distributed by Women Make Movies.

Some issues with the voice over - although I realize that I haven't seen the whole movie and so I don't know the context these words were being said in. But the notion of worrying about whether or not to hide that you're a feminist on a date simply does not resonate with me. Trying to hide that I'm a feminist would be like trying to hide an elephant in a teacup. However, while I can imagine that lust-blindness or extreme wishful thinking could lead to such an incompatible pairing for a first date (do people date as a way to get to know each other still?), I don't understand why someone who identifies as a feminist would in fact want a second date with a person shows signs he thinks all feminists are...well, watch the clip and ask yourself if you'd want a first or second date with any of these characters (excepting Anthony in NY).

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