Turkey Season
Aaah-nold...definintely the turkey of the day. Dig my highlighter turkey. Grad student art.Voters Reject Schwarzenegger Initiatives
By Michael R. Blood, AP
November 9, 2005
LOS ANGELES - In a stinging rebuke from voters who elected him two years ago, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's efforts to reshape state government were rejected during a special election that darkened his prospects for a second term.
The Republican governor and former Hollywood actor...on Tuesday saw all four of his signature ballot proposals rejected.
Poll after poll showed it was an election that Californians didn't want, with a total lineup of eight initiatives that didn't connect with every day issues such as gas prices, housing costs and the war in Iraq.
Schwarzenegger's proposals to curb spending and weaken unions inflamed passions on both sides, partly because of the election's roughly $50 million cost in a state that repeatedly faces budget shortfalls.
Appearing before supporters at a Beverly Hills hotel after learning that at least two of his initiatives had failed, a smiling governor did not concede defeat.
What do you suppose would have to happen for him to in fact concede defeat? I guess as the Governator, an "overwhelming" majority of voters turning down all of your propositions and saying they resented allocation of the expense for the election in the first place means very little. And well it should. He is the Governator after all. You can't expect him to admit defeat unless there have been several explosions, tank mounted lasers, hand held rocket launchers, and a veritable monsoon of uranium coated armor piercing friggin huge bullets. The Governator doesn't give in just because a large majority of the moron...er...people who elected him issue a ballot box spanking.
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