Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Say "aarrrrrhhhhggg!"

First class of the semester. It's my last first class. Wow. Do I feel sad? I thought about it and I've gotta say, I do not. I especially do not since within hours of my nearly hour long lecture on why the students need to start with primary source articles from peer reviewed journals for their research projects, I got an email asking me to re-explain why. The email ended with the question "So can't I use magazines or something?"

Can I get a "O. M. G."?

It took me way too long to write back to this person. It would have been less time but I was trying really hard not to sound sarcastic. This was not easy.

With my last first full week of classes and my last first lecture comes the first cold, or at least sore throat. Whether this is a function of the rooms being over-ventilated by a blast of icy cold air coming from somewhere in the ceiling in front of me but always somehow pointing directly at my chest, or whether I picked up a bug from being back on a student filled campus I don't know. Fortunately, I have little to do tomorrow but get blood drawn and make sure I'm registered to vote on "Super (duper) Tuesday". And that's an "ahhhhh" kind of thing.

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