Tuesday, January 08, 2008


There are dogs upstairs. Medium sized fluffy dogs with tails that curve all the way over so they are touching the fluffy backs of these dogs. That kind of dogs. They don't bark too much but they make noises. The strange thing about these noises are they are sounds I had forgotten. The sounds were immediately familiar but strangely unplaceable, at least when I first hear them. Like a bit of a song you haven't heard since you were a kid. The soft "ka-thunk" of paws hitting a floor. The "whap-whap-whap" sound of a wagging tail or of a leg belonging to a paw which is busily scratching at the fleas who are permanent tenants of this building. I hear them when it's quiet, often at night, like now. It catches me off guard.

1 comment:

WinterWheat said...

Those noises are what I missed most after I put my first dog down (first meaning the first dog I had as an adult, the first one I adopted and cared for myself) when she was dying of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Those soft, scrapy noises, rounded nails on polished wood floors, faint jingle of metal tags. The absence of those sounds was almost unbearable... enjoy them while you can; they belong to you as much as to the dogs' owners.