Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yeah baby, lick it!

Found on (and thanks to my fella for sending me the quote).
I provided some of the article for context.

Giuliani Is Asked His Conservative Views
By Sara Kugler
October 23, 2007 9:20 PM ET

Republican Rudy Giuliani declined Tuesday to tell a voter where he agrees and disagrees with conservative members of his party, saying it's about more than "just an ideology."

The former New York City mayor, who has made conservative Republicans nervous with some of his more liberal views - his support of abortion rights and gun control, for example - was asked pointedly at a town-hall-style meeting to outline where his views align with conservatives.
Giuliani ticked off his accomplishments as mayor, including his administration's 1995 zoning law that effectively closed adult entertainment shops or pushed them to the edges of many neighborhoods.

It is a part of his resume that he has been noting more frequently lately, and on Tuesday he suggested he alone cleaned up New York City's smutty reputation.

"I took a city that was known for pornography, and licked it, to a large extent," he said.


WinterWheat said...

ROFL! Thanks for making me laugh so hard I had a coughing fit.

Bubblewench said...

that's great...