Thursday, May 10, 2007


Sweet jumping Jesus in a bucket of catfish!

This is something which calls for lengthy and whimsical curses. I'm mad. Madder than hell right now. The scenario may not sound that bad but believe me, there is a whole long lot of back history to it. And it's bad back history.

This week, my advisor, who quite some time ago finally (mercifully) took me off a wretched paper from hell after I worked chasing down problem after problem for an embarrassingly long time, is now finally working on the paper herself. And guess what? It turns out I'm not fucking off the paper at all. Oh no. I'm off in name but not in deed. Now that she's running into all the problems I had, she's writing to me to ask about them. I can't shake this vague feeling like she thinks I owe her an explanation for someone else's fuck ups (who else's? The guy who did the study and who wrote the majority of the results/methods sections). Either that or she's just plain deluded.

In addition to asking me to continue cleaning up, sorting out, disentangling, explicating and otherwise lancing the massive festering fuck-messes which pock this paper, she has stated that she wants me to come up with a new way to resynthesize the stimuli for two of the experiments so they can be run "right". And then I am to help another grad student to do the work. Writing out all that these tasks entail would turn this into an epic rant and no one is up for that - certainly not me at quarter of 1 AM. The short version is that she's asking me to (a) work on something we both agreed we'd all be better off with me NOT working on (b) work on something which I have no time or inclination for and (c) oversee a multi-staged task involving interpersonal bullshit with the other grad student and which will take up about 2 to 3 times my paid time for her this summer.

The kicker, the thing that makes me madder than a hornet on PCP is that in asking me to do all this, she said I should use "some of my supported time" to do it. "Supported time" means the hour appointment I am paid for. My time is 5 hours a week. This job is at least a 10 hour one if she wants product anytime in the next month. And I should use SOME OF those five hours to do a 10 to 15 hour job. Oh and did I mention I don't get paid for a month starting next week?

Holy Mary mother of god on a hot pocket.

It kinda makes me kinda want to put a time clock in the lab so I can punch in and out. What part of "not my job anymore and you're not paying me enough to continue making it my job" isn't clear to faculty?

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