Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday and fate

Well, no poetry for now. I'm off to get my resume critiqued and to fax a lab req to a doctor's office. The doctor forgot to sign it, I called on Friday, they were off for the holiday. I called yesterday, they said they'd fax a new (signed) req to the lab. I got home last night around 8:30 and found a message telling me the doctor can't remember what he ordered and asking me to please fax the req back to them.

Which causes me to wonder....have these people heard of cell phones? I know I put my cell phone number on the chart, even listed it as my primary number. "Ok, so I guess I'll be doing that blood draw Wednesday," I said to A____ after playing the message. A____ started to chuckle. "What?" I asked. He said "I just had an epiphany. What we consider 'Fate' is often the consequence of other people's stupidity."

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