Saturday, March 08, 2008

bed time kitty

According to the cat, it's bedtime. He's developed a new habit of insisting on a bedtime. This means he starts meowing any time after 11 and is inconsolable until we get INTO bed. If I get into bed and then out (as sometimes happens), he seeks me out and finds me. I'm really not at all exaggerating on this. I know I have a tendency to read into my pets' behaviors but truly, the cat is acting like it's his job to ensure A____ and I are in bed well on our way to sleep by a decent hour every night.

Tonight I bribed him into letting me stay up with a fresh catnip fest on the living room floor a while ago. It seems the high has worn off though and it is most definitely bedtime.

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

Ours are like that too. They know and wait for you by the bedroom door. One of them will sit in front of you and headbutt you until you go to bed. Funny.

And yes, the catnip distraction can usually buy you at least an hour!