Thursday, March 06, 2008

Candy is dandy

I have noticed the personalizable M&M ads lately. It could be they've been there for a while and I just didn't notice them but since I don't tune out moving stimuli well, I am often more than subconsciously aware of what ads are flashing, dancing, or whirling at me from the borders of any given website. To my recollection, the slow rotating M&Ms are new. One thing though. I am disturbed - likely for no good reason - by what is apparently reinforcement for the notion that formal statements of sentiment are best conveyed in a rhyme. Also, "Mona" does not rhyme with "Diploma".

I am quite taken with the idea of printing up some M&Ms for my department head. I wonder if the M&M people would reject an order to print up candies reading "Eat Shit" "And Die"? And if so, would it be on the basis of form or content?

I suppose I could see if they'll print up a batch of "eat shit" "you tit" candies if the "and die" line were to be rejected...although if that happened, I'd never know whether "tit" was preferable due to the rhyme or the non-violent word choice.

Other M&Ms I'd like to print.
for the mean gossipy granny grad student: "bad woman" "no baby"

Er, the one for my department head's wife won't fit. I'm sure of it because I just tried. Damn. Well I guess just "PhD Whore" works.

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

Now why did you have to go and make me laugh out loud and feel the bite of those m&m's. Yum. M&M's...