Monday, July 02, 2007

Mika Brzezinski kicks ass

I've seen some comments deriding Brzenzinski for taking shit from her co-hosts, who I noticed were acting sort of frat boy-ish. I think if she had turned around and blown up at them, it (unfortunately) could have served to provide invalidation for the incident and her commentary on the producer's selection of lead story. You know, "just an angry woman", that sort of thing. Then we wouldn't be reading about how a newscaster was driven to extreme action by the stupidity of the news she is asked to read but how a lady newscaster lost her shit. The point would be lost. So in terms of finding a way to make her point and keep it salient, I think she did an excellent job. Very well done Ms. Brzenzinski.

What I find most admirable is that she later explained her motivation by saying "I have nothing against Paris Hilton". She went on to say she was reacting to the fact that the Paris story was repeatedly put in the lead position.

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