Monday, January 22, 2007

chore boy

My sister and I came up with a new term. It was provoked by recollection of a guy with one of those big bushy goatees. You know the kind. They are nasty and need to be distinguishable from normal not nasty goatees.

Hence, forthwith, such a nasty bushy goatee will be known as a "chore boy". It can be abbreviated to "chorbey" for a nickname, as in "Why do you call him 'chorbey'?" "Because he's got a chore boy on his chin looks like it's been scrubbin' someone's crack."


WinterWheat said...

ROFLMAO! Indeed, those types of beards DO resemble Chore Boys. Incidentally, the proper term for a chin-only beard is a goatee, but if it's a 'stache and goatee combo, it's called a Van Dyke. Now go use it socially and watch as people laugh at you.

PFG said...

Excellent, thank you for the disambiguation between goatee and Van Dyke! Yes, I am quite sure people will laugh at me, but this will be nothing new.