Monday, December 19, 2005


I woke up this morning to the sound of a beer truck unloading below the window. I think they slam the flats extra hard because they are beer truck drivers. I'm not sure the one follows from the other for all, but for me it is a completely valid implication. It's cold outside. Not bitter, I remind myself as I retrive my coffee from my friend A___'s apartment. Just cold. It smells like it will snow.

Yesterday I got my electric bill for mid November through mid December. It's $129.89. Let me write that out a different way: My electricity bill is one hundred and twenty-nine dollars and eighty-nine cents. Nope, it still sounds bad. Keep in mind that I live in a three room apartment folks, that's three counting the bathroom.

So what do I want for christmas this year? I think a nice toasty barrel fire.

Can we get someone working on that? Fuck the development stage, we can go straight to marketing. First thing we'd need is a nice name for it. The chimenita? A barrelorro? Barreletta?

I think this could be a big money maker. Look at the popularity of those outdoor fireplace things. There wasn't even a functional need for those, certainly not a need as dire as what people will be experiencing this winter when it does get bitterly cold out. Ah, chimineas, that's what they were. My ex's brother got one for their dad last year. Perfect present for the manly manlike man on your shopping list, btw. Hey Dad, do you long for the summertime when you have a socially acceptable excuse to start a fire outside? Do you miss being able to burn trash or piss into a fire on any given night? Then you need a chiminea!

But I digress.

Oh there's the snow. It's snow globe snow, hovering slow swirling dots.


cjblue said...

I was recently wondering aloud if there really are corners of trainyards and such, where homeless people gather to have their parties, stand around 50-gallon drum fires and await police questioning about their homeless neighbors. I was assured such places do exist.

Drumolea - I'm sure I didn't see that on your Froogle list. I feel a need to tell you, however, that being the manly manlike man that I am, I LOVE chimineas. I even have a mini one for burning incense cones, although it usually just holds dead matches from the candles I light. I yearn for a patio and a chiminea. Seriously, I do. It's a "memories of New Mexico" kinda thing for me.

Plus, I have to perfect my pissing into the fire technique, although my waxing bill goes way down.

PFG said...

For some reason I have a recollection of being near a flaming barrel. I have no context for this memory though. And on a serious note, your comment does remind me I am happy to have a home at least. I do think of this now and then.

As for the chiminea and those of the socially short changed gender, (a) not all men are manly mantypes full of manful manosity; (b) I am not saying the non manly or non men can't enjoy a chiminea (holy shit that's like a quadruple negative or something). I do think that the widely popular chiminea and the like give manlymannishmanful people (or the otherwise socially crippled) a way to fulfill their aesthetic desires while not having to articulate or feel the (apparently extreme) anxiety of considering articulating such unmanly desires. So cjblue can say "I'd like to sit on my patio with a nice fire to warm me and enjoy the evening" or the like, and I am quite sure she will have one when she can. By contrast, a mannlymanfulmanlike man who finds himself thinking fondly of such a notion would say something like "Hey honey, you want one of those chimichanga things? You know, the chimera, the thing your cousin has."
That is if he says anything at all.