Tuesday, February 06, 2007

People suck

Kinda feeling today like people suck. I'll get over it. Tonight I'll go to bed and fall asleep next to my favorite person in the world. Tomorrow I'll go to the pet store and play with the kittens for adoption. I'll buy giant cupcake tins so my brother can continue his cupcake kick this Friday when he comes down. I'll try to find a comedy I haven't seen that wasn't written for 4th grade boys. I'll talk to people I like. I'll try to remind myself that some people were apparently toilet trained at gunpoint or forced to sing "good ship lollipop" for perverse uncles at family get togethers and that some of these people's shit which they casually slosh onto others is not entirely 100% their fault (not the sloshing but the shit itself).

But for now, today, people suck.

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