Friday, October 13, 2006


Why is is spelled like that?

Every linguist who has a sundae eats it.

This evening was frightening. After hours making a lecture (more like 2/3 of a lecture), my computer became confused in mid powerpoint (what with all the sundaes). It experienced this strange not quite frozen but very not fluid behavior. I guess I'd say it was slush. I don't know why. You wouldn't think powerpoint was that taxing, but apparently it was performing a highly strenuous, um, copy and paste or something.

Nothing scares the backup ocd into you faster than a slushy computer.

Oh and unrelated, except that it hurts right now, I have a name for what is wrong with my hip. "Fucked up" was good enough for me, but people have asked so here it is: hip impingement. That's what the big jock doctor says at least. Sounds trendy to me.


Gillian Marsden said...

Thesis' and Fires:

Honours student here looks up from his thesis to note huge fucking massive bushfire bearing down on his house. . .he sniffs, emails his thesis draft to date to the uni and then goes out to fight said bushfire.

He definately had his editing cap on.

D said...

oh my ! You got a bung (do americans say 'bung' for something doesn't work any more, or well ?).. so you've officially got a bung hip, with a fancy name, and a bung hip that mostly blokes get, and in the ball ... mate: that looks like a hell-of-a-lotta pain to me ...


WinterWheat said...

So, is Chomsky respected among linguists? I know he did all that deep-structures/surface-structures stuff, but then he turned to media criticism, and isn't really viewed as a legit media scholar by us media folks. I'm curious to know how he's viewed by linguists.

I read that "sundae" is a commercial spelling. Some ice cream outfit wanted to market treats on Sunday and spelled it that way, or so the story goes. If I can dig it up in my history of advertising lit I'll tell you more...

PFG said...

WW -
Short answer is yes, he is still respected but some respect him more for what he did and some for, well, something else I think. There are a couple of scholars who had sort of yoked themselves to him, or at least their careers to his, and when he stopped being so actively linguistic oriented, those people were sort of set adrift. But I recall a few years ago, when he was still teaching a linguistics class (or two?), folks from my (then) progam used to pile into one or two cars and drive up to attend - once a week, braving the Masshole drivers and Boston/Cambridge parking hell.

However, there is a strange affair/obsession some seem to have with Chomsky as a sort of academic cult figure - like he was fucking Moses leading the linguists to freedom from the evil behaviorists. And still leading, not just "having led" because the people who continue the affair are shockingly narrow minded, as if engaging in any kind of genuine criticism of Chomskian linguistics (circa whatever) or MIT based psycholinguistic theory is heresy. Oh yes believe me it can get that bad. And of course it has given rise to some people who are exactly (and equally ignorantly) the opposite - the "Chomskian linguistics sucks!" people. Many of the grads in my program are that way, and they've only ever read one or two short passages from one or two of his publications.

The Linguistics Wars by Randy Allen Harris is a good read for one take on the whole sorted story...a little dated I think.

D- we say "bum" as in "a bum hip" Which, if I'm guessing dialect right, could be very amusing. The meaning for bum is more likely to be anatomical if you are a child in the US, and the most common use of it I'd say is "bum" meaning indigent/homeless person. But it can be used as you are using "bung" (which, in the US slang, is a whole other kettle of fish entirely).

Gillian- so do you know said fire fighting thesis writing student? Nothing that exciting here, thank god.