Saturday, April 12, 2008


Sitting here waiting. I'm waiting for my fella's mother, who I invited to come to a job fair with me today. We made plans to meet at 9:30 at my place then head over to the thing (which runs 9 to 1), and she was going to call before she came over.

Then 9:00 came and went. Then 9:30. My fella called her. She was running late. Ok. So I waited. Caught up with a friend on the phone. Thought "wow I can't believe I was up and going at 7:30 on a Saturday!" and felt a smug, happy sense of impending productivity. I steamed my jacket sleeves, which were a little rumpled.

By about quarter after ten, small waves of vertigo from what I guess is a sinus/ear thing were starting to creep up on me. My fella offered to call her again. I counter offered. He said it would probably be better if he did. She got tied up with this and that but she's leaving in just a few minutes, and will call when she's on her way.

I can feel my productivity evaporating. I want to be patient, I really do, but I'm starting to get annoyed.

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

I would have SO left without her and told her to meet me there. Hate that!