Sunday, October 14, 2007

"how deep?"

This is the line on the flash Ford advertisement open in another tab of my browser. If I can, I'll post a shot of it. Until then, here's my description.

The picture this phrase accompanies is of a craggy looking man, close up on his face. In the gauzily focused background, there's a large black pickup, bed open, holding a very large, complex looking motor (there's shiny metal, dull metal, propellers, and even wood involved). The craggy man's face is creased extra hard with barely held in emotion. His mouth is making a begrudgingly appreciative flat smile, clefted chin straining to push that curve back into something more appropriately masculine. The overall effect is something which suggests judicious satisfaction. Mere inches from his face, a disembodied hand (presumably his) holds a very large metal bolt. The bolt is not shiny. It's dull with a bit of sheen on the head. It is perched delicately on the man's fingertips, glinting head about level with his creased brow, the base of the bolt disappearing down out of the frame (along with the rest of the hand which holds it). It is a large bolt.

The man is considering this bolt. The posture of him and position of the bolt inform us that he has been inspecting it and by the look on his face, we can conclude that he has found it to be satisfactory.
And now he is still standing there, struck by the imminently satisfying looking bolt, wondering "just how deep does it go?"

Update: Here it is. A screen shot of the craggy man pondering his bolt.

That is so Brokeback Mountain.


Bubblewench said...

Is it me? That's hysterical!

WinterWheat said...

OMG. That's... uh... I don't know. Hysterical, at the very LEAST.

PFG said...
