Thursday, September 06, 2007

very special ed

I kinda feel bad for these guys. Still, I find myself marveling at the deep trust or massive entitlement which would lead anyone to believe this is an appropriately low key way to peddle pot. And on this note, today is my first lecture of the semester. Here we go.

From The Boston Globe
A pair of freshmen at Northeastern University learned a tough lesson before classes even started this semester, when one of them allegedly leaned out the window of his dormitory and yelled something regrettable in earshot of plainclothes police officers.

"If you're looking for weed, my roommate F_______ has some for sale," (the student) yelled, according to a release issued today by the Suffolk district attorney's office.
According to the release from prosecutors, police went to the second floor of the dormitory after hearing Emery yell and found the door open. In plain view was a bottle of Grey Goose vodka, a shot glass, and a plastic baggie of marijuana.

Pot PSA from PFG:
It seems this situation could have been avoided if these fellas had simply followed a couple of simple rules:
1. Don't publicly refer to your reefer as "weed", in fact just avoid any of the generic and well known names. My siblings and I called it after a friend's mother - a woman who was such a massive smoker she (and her name) had become emblematic of the substance.
2. Don't leave "Pattie" out if she's not in use.
3. Keep stash, instruments, and implements tucked away until the door has been closed, locked, and secured. You never know who might walk by and see it. Like a plainclothes police officer. Or that annoying guy who mooches Pattie off anyone and everyone. You know the guy. The kid who begs you into letting him smoke with you and who then acts like a retarded gibbon - long arms flailing and knocking over the milk crates you have carefully stacked on your microwave and mini-fridge, yelling things like "MAN I AM SOOOOO HIGH!" "THIS IS REALLY GOOD WEED!" and "I'M TOTALLY STONED!"

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

Let's go visit Bob! heh heh heh.. He's Pattie's cousin.
