Monday, December 11, 2006

almost there

The tests are graded, now it's time to sit back and wait until I have to collect their final essays next week. Right?
Now it's time to answer questions like "OMG, I don't know how I could have done so bad on the test. Is there any way I can still get an A/B/C?" To which the answer (sadly) is often "no". In most of those cases, I kind of want to write back and point out that I gave quite a bit of extra credit. Total, my class had the option of getting up to 14 extra points added onto their final grade, which doesn't include the extra credits I gave here and there on specific assignments. How many of them took the option? No one took all and many took none. I don't point this out when I write back though. What would be the point? Making them feel bad? That's not cool. They're already not getting the grade they want or need, why rub it in that they passed up the opportunity to invest a very little time in what could have been some nice insurance here and there during the semester?

And then there are people like the girl who didn't take a quiz because she had been sick and missed the second week of class. She says she didn't ask for a make up because she assumed I wouldn't let her. WHY??? Why would anyone assume something like that? I wouldn't assume that. I would assume I could at least ASK if I could make it up. And that is why people think I'm a bossy bitch I guess. I'll take that over fucking myself into a failing grade. With her, I was really wanted to write back and say "you know, you'll find plenty of people who are willing to screw you over either through negligence or malice. Don't make their job any easier by screwing over yourself too." I didn't write that either.

Someone should really tell them this isn't high school though.

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