Sunday, February 12, 2006

Guns don't shoot people....

Vice presidents do.
I'm glad the guy Vice president Cheney shot is not critically injured. Because now I can make jokes about this and not feel too bad. Favorite quote from the early AP report on this:
"This is something that happens from time to time. You [k]now, I've been peppered pretty well myself," said Armstrong.

This was said by the woman who owns the ranch where Dick Cheney shot a fellow hunter while aiming at quail. According to the story, Armstrong, whose medical qualifications are not mentioned, stated that the man who the vice president shot (that's such a fun phrase) was "alert and doing fine". The shot gun blast "peppered" the victim in the face, neck, and chest. But he's fine, according to Armstrong, because "It didn't get in his eyes or anything like that." Is she a kindergarten teacher? Providing no one shot his eye out, it's ok. Is it just me or does her choice of reassurance seem a bit incommensurate with the nature of the injury? It's not like Cheney threw paste or playdough at the guy. He shot him, with a shot gun, in the neck.


WinterWheat said...

LOL! I like your observation about "the man whom the VP shot" -- it's like the phrase used to identify the perfect news story: "man bites dog." That it's a reversal of the usual is precisely what makes it irresistible.

Must be nice to be VP, white, male, middle-aged, etc -- meaning, to have everyone give you the benefit of the doubt and flutter a dismissive wrist at your crime (however accidental) when YOU SHOOT SOMEONE IN THE FACE.

cjblue said...

Did you, by any chance, happen to catch the Jon Stewart take on all this? I don't get much of a chance to watch TV but my parents taped it - it's brilliant.

S said, on hearing the story, "I wouldn't want to be 'friends' with any of those a__holes. They can murder anybody they want and get away with it."

brzuqe: The type of gun the Vice President of the United States of America used to shoot his friend in the face.