Monday, December 04, 2006


Today was not the last day of class but it was the last lecture. I was so set. And then I got sick. Presumably it' s a stomach virus although no one else I know is sick. I'm happy no one else I know is sick but it does bother me that I am. See I was trying this new "pretend I'm all healthy and shit" attitude. It was supposed to make me all healthy and shit. Instead I'm all gurgly and unwell of stomach and I have a fever. (Sure sounds like a virus, huh?)

The only other, um, person who is sick is the cat. With him being old and somewhat poor of kitty health, the notion of a not super well kitty is nothing new. What's new is that he recently started a routine where he meows, goes to his cat box, meows some more, gets in his box, and then just sits there. If it wasn't sad and a somewhat alarming behavior, it would be cute to look over and see him sitting in his box like he's waiting for it to take off, pull out, or set sail (it's a big box). But this is not a good or cute thing. Not at all.

It looks so pretty out. The cat and I are chilling at home while my guy teaches my lecture for me. The cat is crashed out on the rocking chair in front of an open window. My neighbor is playing her harp - I can't hear the melody but every now and then a note or two come through. The wind, which looks and feels like a breeze from the window, is whistling quietly as it blows down the chimney. If it weren't for sick, this would be sort of nice. Less nice is huddling over an illconceived second cup of coffee, wondering if it would make me feel worse to have food or a cigarette. The seemingly obvious answer is "cigarette" however I've found when I'm feeling this intestinally fucked, food isn't always as friendly as you'd think it would be.

But it sure is pretty out.

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